full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Angela Wang: How China is changing the future of shopping

Unscramble the Blue Letters

A huge shopping revolution is happening in China right now. Shopping bvheoairs, and also technology platforms, have evolved differently than elsewhere in the world. For instance, e-commerce in cniha is soaring. It's been growing at twice the speed of the uetind States and a lot of the grtowh is coming from mobile. Every month, 500 million consumers are buying on mobile phnoes, and to put that into context, that is a total population of the United States, UK and Germany combined. But it is not just about the scale of the e-commerce, it is the seepd of aidtopon and the aggregation of the ecosystems. It took China less than five years to become a country of mobile cmecmroe, and that is largely because of the two tloecgohny platforms, ablbiaa and tceennt. They own 90 percent of the e-commerce — prttey much the whole market — 85 percent of social media, 85 percent of internet payment. And they also own large vomules of digital content, video, online movie, literature, travel iomfrtioann, gaming. When this huge base of mobile shoppers meets with aggregated ecosystems, chemical reactions happen. Today, China is like a huge laboratory generating all sorts of experiments. You should come to China, because here you will get a glimpse into the future.

Open Cloze

A huge shopping revolution is happening in China right now. Shopping _________, and also technology platforms, have evolved differently than elsewhere in the world. For instance, e-commerce in _____ is soaring. It's been growing at twice the speed of the ______ States and a lot of the ______ is coming from mobile. Every month, 500 million consumers are buying on mobile ______, and to put that into context, that is a total population of the United States, UK and Germany combined. But it is not just about the scale of the e-commerce, it is the _____ of ________ and the aggregation of the ecosystems. It took China less than five years to become a country of mobile ________, and that is largely because of the two __________ platforms, _______ and _______. They own 90 percent of the e-commerce — ______ much the whole market — 85 percent of social media, 85 percent of internet payment. And they also own large _______ of digital content, video, online movie, literature, travel ___________, gaming. When this huge base of mobile shoppers meets with aggregated ecosystems, chemical reactions happen. Today, China is like a huge laboratory generating all sorts of experiments. You should come to China, because here you will get a glimpse into the future.


  1. commerce
  2. alibaba
  3. tencent
  4. behaviors
  5. growth
  6. information
  7. adoption
  8. united
  9. speed
  10. phones
  11. volumes
  12. technology
  13. pretty
  14. china

Original Text

A huge shopping revolution is happening in China right now. Shopping behaviors, and also technology platforms, have evolved differently than elsewhere in the world. For instance, e-commerce in China is soaring. It's been growing at twice the speed of the United States and a lot of the growth is coming from mobile. Every month, 500 million consumers are buying on mobile phones, and to put that into context, that is a total population of the United States, UK and Germany combined. But it is not just about the scale of the e-commerce, it is the speed of adoption and the aggregation of the ecosystems. It took China less than five years to become a country of mobile commerce, and that is largely because of the two technology platforms, Alibaba and Tencent. They own 90 percent of the e-commerce — pretty much the whole market — 85 percent of social media, 85 percent of internet payment. And they also own large volumes of digital content, video, online movie, literature, travel information, gaming. When this huge base of mobile shoppers meets with aggregated ecosystems, chemical reactions happen. Today, China is like a huge laboratory generating all sorts of experiments. You should come to China, because here you will get a glimpse into the future.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
mobile phone 2
united states 2
full basket 2
times higher 2
social shopping 2
shopping journey 2
social media 2

Important Words

  1. adoption
  2. aggregated
  3. aggregation
  4. alibaba
  5. base
  6. behaviors
  7. buying
  8. chemical
  9. china
  10. combined
  11. coming
  12. commerce
  13. consumers
  14. content
  15. context
  16. country
  17. differently
  18. digital
  19. ecosystems
  20. evolved
  21. experiments
  22. future
  23. gaming
  24. generating
  25. germany
  26. glimpse
  27. growing
  28. growth
  29. happen
  30. happening
  31. huge
  32. information
  33. instance
  34. internet
  35. laboratory
  36. large
  37. largely
  38. literature
  39. lot
  40. market
  41. media
  42. meets
  43. million
  44. mobile
  45. month
  46. movie
  47. online
  48. payment
  49. percent
  50. phones
  51. platforms
  52. population
  53. pretty
  54. put
  55. reactions
  56. revolution
  57. scale
  58. shoppers
  59. shopping
  60. soaring
  61. social
  62. sorts
  63. speed
  64. states
  65. technology
  66. tencent
  67. today
  68. total
  69. travel
  70. uk
  71. united
  72. video
  73. volumes
  74. world
  75. years